The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 06, 1917, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II College Station, Texas, Tuesday, February 6, 1917. No. 106.
1917 Football Schedule.
Following is A. and M's foot-
ball schedule for the 1917 sche-
October 5—Austin College at
. College Station.
October 12—Dallas University
at College Station.
October 22 Southw estern at
Jollege Station.
October 27 Li S Beau-
November 2 Tulane at College
November 10-- Baylor at Waco.
November 20--Texas Universi-
ty at College Station.
November 29 - Rice at Houston
To Form New Company.
In order to meet the needs of
certain students, student labor-
ers and members of the band, I
desire to form a company for
drill and instruction to d-ill at
some hour other than four to
five These cadets can then be
excused from the regular drill
and go about their work. In ord-
er to determine upon- the hour, I
wish to have cadets involved. to
meet me at the 'Y”” Wednesday
evening, 7:30 o'clock
“0 4. MULLER,
LOST: »-Agrohomy. 3 hNete
book; Rewand¢for its returnito.;
29 Milner.— G. NM. Bittle. |,
The News in Brief.
President Wilson wants decks
cleared for action.
Germany will make no change
in order to submarine command-
United States fighting strength
is 10,535,940-
American ships arrive and de-
part from English ports.
Ex President -Taft advocates
Interned German gunboat fir-
ed at Honolulu.
Austrian ambassador may be
given his passports shortly.
Agricultural Engineering 26.
Those who can arrange to take
Agricultural Engineering 26 the-
ory at 8:00 on Wednesdays and
Fridays, and practice on Satur-
day mornings will report to Mr. +s
Gee’s office today to Sign up ily
the course.
Army Examinations.
All those intending t0 take the :
examinations. for; a commission
in ‘the army: ‘meet in! Room: 67:
Leggett after dinner today. This
is for the purpose of ‘arratging
forlai course in idistory lin prepa:
ration for’ ‘the Fol aime examina:
tion in That subject.”