The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 04, 1917, Image 3
Soft Collars New Shipment Just Arrived BRANDON AND LAWRENCE Golf Expert at Waldrop’s. Mr. S. J. Cooper, the golf ex- pert, will be locaved with the Bryan Country Club for the next two months and will give instrue- tions in golf playing, make clubs to order or repair old ones. . For any information phone or call at A. M. Waldrop & Co’s store, where Mr. Cooper will make his headquarters and display a full line of his golf clubs. (106) Irish Lecturer. Sumas MacManus, the Irish lecturer, filled with wit and hu: mor, will appearattheY M.(C. A. Auditorium on Friday evening, February 4. LOST: A senior cap. W. H. Waterhouse, 41 Milner. Lecture on Jamaica. Dr. Farr, of the Dppfirtment of Biology, will give a stereopticon lecture on Jamaica, with special reference to the vegetation of the island, on Monday night, Febru- ary 5th, 1917, at 7:40 in the big lecture room in the E.E. Build- ing. This lecture is under the auspices of the Science Seminar and is open to residents of the campus, and to seniors and jun- iors. 9 ein WANTED: — The following se- cond-hand = books: ‘‘Southern Field Crops,” by Duggar: ‘Types and Breeds of Farm Animals,” by Plumb; and ‘The Oregon Trail,” by Parkman -— A. LL. Fuchs, Room 4 Goodwin. Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes WEBB BROS. - Bryan Edwin Clapp andl. Bostonian Shoey