Toilet Soap Best and Purest Coupons from 1917; Houston Post and Hous- ton - Chronicle, Debary 1, 1917, Are Redeerhable Ar BOYETT'S STORE, North Main St. A C. Bailey, Mgr. Bryan Eagle, February 12, | Special Notice. With the next corps dance only a short time off. every cadet should avail himself of the op- portunity of taking in the stag "dance tonight. Come out and get mm shape. : All new music by the College Dance Orchestra. WANTED: ~The following se- cond-hand books: "Southern Field Crops’ by Duggar; ‘Types and Breeds of ‘Farm Animals†by Plumb; “A Practical Course in Botany’ by ‘Andrews — Ash- MO) Co Ross. The 2 Menorah Society will meet in Room 109 E. E. Building Sun- day morning at 9:30. All come out. President. ~~ News In Brief. German Ambassador, Von .- Bernstorff, expects early break © in diplomatic relations with U S. Course of United States not yet divulged. Cotton dropped $25 a bale. Wheat market demoralized. Cha- otic gonditions prevail every- where. Anti-Land Bill withdrawn from Oregon legislature to avoid Jap- ~anese complications. U. S torpedo boat destroyers coming to Texas for exhibition. Fifty thousand Americans said to be fighting with allied armies. German freighter sinks in har- bor at Charleston, S. C. Harry Spannell declared ‘not guilty†at San Angelo. Cleaning, pressing, and alterations done neatly and promptly at a low cost at the Student Tail- or Shop. Liberal dis- count if you buy a tick et. Tumlinson & Alder SON JUST THE I HING ii ‘The Universal†Thermos Lunch Kit fills along felt want. Call and see them at 2h PARKER - ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY Bryan