The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 03, 1917, Image 2
New Shipment ] | OF Walk- Over Shoes be Including the DARK TAN Land. MAHOGANY BROWNS A.M. Waldrop & Co. “The Clothers” Baseball Practice Starts Today. Captain Powers will begin 'ral- lying his forces today for pre-’ liminary work in baseball. All men who expect to try out for 7 the squad are wequested to re- port at the athletic fleld at 2:30. WANTED-—Two second - hand books, “The. Oregon Trail’’ and a ‘Pypes and Breeds of Livestock,’ -by Plumb.—F. G. Benkendorfer, 94 M ilner. Go : hs LOST: A senior cap with my name lightly embossed on sweat band If found, please return it to W H. Waterhouse, 41 Milner, Thick malted! FOR SALE: A regulatibn No. 1 uniform, only slightly used. Cheap for quick sale.--63 Leggett. vt ~All pictures of club members _ must be taken and paid for by Sunday, Februry 4. Fee for -each club -space is “due on the .same date. -Aetpromptly. -J -BIVENS, Club: Editor: of Longhorn. Guard Detail. For February 4, 1917. Officer of the Day: Cadet Lieut. Blanton, J. F. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Bivins, J. LOST: A pair of gray leather gloves, ‘between Mess ‘Hall ‘and Austin Hall, last Friday. My name and address were on the gloves. Finder will please notify me at 14 Austin.—W. H. Rueter. = Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes WEBB BROS. Bryan Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes