THE DAILY BULLETIN ~ Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation TNE, ; laculty, and campus residents. Vol. 11 i College Station, Texas, Saturday, February 3, 1917 No. 104 Owl Feathers Still Flying. An account of the capture of the Rice Owl appeared in the city edition of Thursday’s Houston Post. Here is the Rice account of the incident: : “After an absence of two nights and a day the Rice con- tingent which journeyed to Col-. lege Station after the owl, return- ed to the institute Thursday morning. Altho they were un- able to bring back the mascot, the fact that it was recovered from enemy hands and destroyed is regarded as a signal victory for the local collegians. The owl was taken the night of the last Rice A.and M basketball , game. and brought in triumph to . the waiting cadets. By the Ag- gies the owl was regarded as the spoils of war and an emblem of victory, since they were able to defeat Rice for the first time in in two vears, at Houston, the night it was brought ont Plans ‘were made to put the bird in a prominent. place during the two: games which the owls are sched- uled to play in College Station There was general rejoicing at the Institute when the news was received that the owl was no long- er in hands of the Aggies, The men who accomplished the feat of entering the armory at A. and M. and recovering the owl. while over a thousand students slept within sound of the bugle receiv- ed a big ovation when thev enter: Lecture on Jamaica. Dr Farr, of the Department of Biology, will give a stereoptican lecture on Jamaica, with special reference to the vegetation of the island, on Monday night, Febru: ary 5th, 1917, at 7:40 in the big lecture room in the E. E. Build- ing. This lecture is under the auspices of the Science Seminar and is open to residents of the campus, and to seniors and jun- iors. Picture Show Tonight. At the picture show tonight in the Chapel, the “Army of Swe den’’ will be shown in one of the reels. Sweden has a larger standing army than the United States. Chapel Speaker Tomorrow Rev H.W. Knickerbocker, pas- tor of the First Methodist Church of Austin. will be the chapel speaker Sunday. Father Gleissner wil say mass. tomorrow morning: at the usual hour in Room 400 Main Building, for cadets and campus residents. ed the dining hall Thursday. It was felt that they had vindicated the honor of the Institute. ‘