The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, February 02, 1917, Image 2

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    New Shipment
= or =
Incliding the
and ;
A.M. Waldrop & Co.
“The Clothers”
Soft Collars Non-Reg.
1. The attention of Cadets is
< invited to the fact that soft col-
lars are not regulation and will
not be worn.
2 Regulation uniforms are
required in the afternoon except
when overalls and jackets are
worn at manual labor.
There is no regulation for
wearing non-regulation caps on
~ Campus. C. H. MULLER,
| * Commandant.
All men who intend to gradu-
ate in the '19 class are expected
to pay their 25¢ on the Longhorn
plate if they intend to get in the
sophomore picture or class roll.
WANTED;—Small office desk,
roll or flat top.
Dr. Ball.
43 Leggett.
“Ounce of Preventive Worth a
Pound of Cure.”
Keep that cold and la grippe
away from your body. ‘‘Doc”
says lemons and other fruits are
the best preventatives. I’ve just
received a fresh shipment of
lemons, apples, etc. FRITS.
WANTED—Two second - hand
- books, ‘The Oregon Trail’ and a
‘Types and Breeds of Livestock,”
by Plumb.—R. G. V. Hays, Room
A watch bearing the following
identification has been stolen
from a cadet: 17 jewel Waltham
movement, No. 16336101. No 12.
Keystone case, 25 year, No.
8392979.— C. H. Muller, Comman-
Edwin Clapp and
Bostonian Shoes
Edwin Clapp and
Bostonian Shoes