Courses for Second Term. Under paragraph 110 of the: Blue Book, no student may take more than four term hours of work in excess of the amount prescribed in his curriculum. Exceptions to this rule can be made only by the Faculty. The regular meetings of the Faculty are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. It is not likely that requests . for exceptions to the rule in par- agraph 110 will be approved aft- - ter February 7 This statement is’made for the information and guidance of those concerned. CHARLES PURYEAR, Dean. WANTED—A Bowen’s ‘‘Scien- ific French Reader.”” — Heine, No. 7 Ross. JUST THE THING “The Universal’ Thermos Lunch Kit fills a long felt want. Call and see them at PARKER - ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY Bryan CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY : Try a quart of our "VELVET CREAM?” Topped off with Crushed Fruit Quarts 25c Pints 15¢ CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Soft CH;Mars New Shipment Just Arrived BRANDON AND LAWRENCE For Drill Friday. 1st Regiment and 1st Battalion 2nd Regiment: Bayonet exercis- es first half hour. Chapter II, pages 149 to 160 Extended or- der, pages 149 to 160 Hxtended order, pages 82 to 93. 9nd Battalion, 2nd Regiment, advance and rear guard, pages 433 to 457 C. H MULLER. Guard Detail. January 27. 1917. Officer of the Day: Cadet Priv. Yeates, C. C. Officer of the Guard: \ Cadet Capt. Zedler, 0. Fy ~ LOST: One base ball shoe for the left foot. Finder please notify me at 51 Leggett. H. F. Jonas.