The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 26, 1917, Image 1
Ed | THE DAILY BULLELIN Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students, faculty, and campus residents. Vol 11 College Station, Texas, Friday, January 26, 1917 No 97. Moving Pictures Tonight. Mr. Wickemeyer, of Dallas, will deliver a lecture in connection with the moving picture illustrat- ing the use of motor trucks in road construction and mainten- ance This exhibition will be held at 7:30 tonight in the Chapel. No admission charged. Every- body invited. : Cadets are permitted to attend the above by reporting ‘‘ALL RIGHT” to sentinel for that pur- pose C H. MULLER. Commandant. tensemissr Chinese Student Registered. F F Kan, of Kwong Tung, (China, registered vesterday for postgraduate work in the study of cotton. A. and M’s only Chi- nese student is a graduate of the Oregon State Agricultural Col- lege, After he completes his work here, Mr. Kan intends to return to his native country to engage in the cotton industry. 36 to 0 Score Made Yesterday. In the last game with Daniel Baker, yesterday afternoon, A. and M. scored 36 to Daniel Bak- er’s 0. The next games will be with Baylor on the 29th and 30th. The News in Brief. Fear is felt for foreigners in Mexico after U. S. troops leave. Chinese can cross line. ! Japanese leader ‘ of Constitu- tional party attacked by assas: sins. Appropriation bill for U.S. fortifications on coast defense calls for sixty million dollars. Submission lost in first test in House of Representatives. Earthquake killed fifty in Bali Island, in the Malay Archipeligo. Homes and factories destroyed. General Pershing ready t o march out of Mexico. Truck trains started. Carranza will be appealed to protect foriegners in the district that has been occupied by Major General Pershing’s forces. Baylor wins from Decatur Bap- tist College Texas defeats South- western, score 34 to 43. Corps Dance Saturday. The first announcement of’ the Corps Dance Saturday night should be changed to read ‘there will be no stag dancing’’ instead of ‘‘no stags allowed.” The college orchestra will fur. nish the music. The floor is in good condition and a good time is promised. M. B. Gibson.