The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 24, 1917, Image 2
New Shipment | OF Ww alk- Over - Shoes Including the DARK: TAN >< and MAHOGANY BROW N S A M. Waldrop Co. “The Clothers” Military College Graduates. Continued from last issue. “Tt is intended to request the president of each of these col- leges to designate four of the graduating class who have taken the regular course of military instruction to appear before a Marine examining board which will convene in June next. These graduates will be exempted from the regular examination in the scholastic subjects, their diplo- mas being accepted in lieu there- of, but they will be required to pass a rigid physical examina- tion, and to establish to the sat- isfaction of the board that they are of good moral character. In order that four graduates may be appointed from each of the colleges referred to, it will ibemecessary to designe num. ~ ber of alternates, who, in the - event of the failure of the. princi- pals, will be given an opportuni- ty to take the examination. These alternates will also be eligible for appointment in case any col- ~ lege fails to designatea sufficient number to fill its quota. The duties of the Marine Corps may be classified as follows: (a) As Marine detachments— (1) On board: vessels of the active fleet. (2) On board capital ships now in reserve, in ordina- ry,or under construcuion, whenever it becomes nec- essary for them to join the active fleei. (b) As technical companies constituting the fixed defence Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes WEBB BROS. Bryan Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes