The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 21, 1917, Image 1
THE DAILY BULLETIN Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students, : faculty, and campus residents. Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Sunday, January 21, 1917. No. 93. Change in ‘Bulletin’ Policy. The “Daily Bulletin’ believes that there are many students who do not have an opportunity to read the daily papers and thus inform themselves as to the cur- rent events the world over. In . view of that belief, effective Tues- day, January 23, The Daily Bul- letin will carry a brief or digest of important happenings as they are chronicled by the daily press. To those who read the papers carefully this will be of no inter- est, but it is the belief of the Bul- letin that it will be of some ser- uice to those who have neither the opportunity nor the inclina- tion to read carefully the daily papers. Cadet Has Pneumonia. Cadet S H. Taylor of Goliad, freshman, General Science Course, has been very low with pneumonia at the College Infirm- ary. The boy’s relatives have been here for a day or two. Sociology Club Notice. The time of meeting of the So- ciology Club has been changed from Tuesdays at 7:00 p. m. to Mondays at the same hour. The next meeting will be at the resi- dence of Mr. F. B. Clark. Lecture by Capt. Muller. Capt. C. H. Muller will be the speaker atthe Y M. C. A. to- night at 7:30. ‘With the Troops in Mexico” is the subject of Capt. Muller’s address, which will deal with his experience with the Eleventh Cavalry in that country. All cadets and campus people . will be intereted and are invited to attend. Dallas Club Picture. The picture of the Dallas Club taken some time ago was no good. It will have to be retaken today, Meet on the Mess Hall steps, mid- dle division, right after dinner. Tke Ashburn needs this picture for publicity use. Be there with- out fail. J. P. Peutet. FS Chapel Speaker Today. Today’s chapel speaker will be Dr. H. T. Musselman, editor of the Texas School Journal, Dallas. Next Sunday: Rev. Peter Gray Sears, Rector of Christ Church Episcopal, Houston. Second-Term Schedule Posted. Schedules for the second semes- ter, subject to slight changes, are now posted on the bulletin boards near the Main Building stairway.