The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 20, 1917, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shep for circulation among students,
: faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Saturday, January 20, 1917. No. 92.
How About the Owl.
The .following news article in
The Houston Chronicle concern-
ing the possession of a supposed-
ly wise old bird may be of inter-
est to Bulletin ‘‘Subscribers’’:
‘In additon to breaking the hoo-
doo Tuesday night by defeating
the Rice basketball team, the vis-
iting Aggies made off with the
large gray owl which was parad-
ed about the Auditorium between
halves. After the parade the
Rice collegians in whose hands
the owl had been intrusted un-
wittingly left the homemade bird
within eyesight of A. and M.
“When A. and M. won out in
the closing minutes of play the
bird was temporarily forgotten.
A few hours laterit was speed-
ing northward on a Houston and
Texas (‘entral train.
“A member of the Aggie five
wired of his team’s success that
night and also said in the mes-.
sage that a rare trophy was be-
ing brought to College Station.
As a result of the message, near-
ly 1000 cadets met the train at
the depot, while the cadet band
ground out the music
“The Rice owl is to be given a
place of honor in the A. and M.
Basketball Results.
A. and M. won from Louisiana
Industrial College at Lafayatte
Wednesday night by the score of
28 to 16. The Aggies lost to Li.
S. U. Thursday might. Score 24
to 15, They played. § U again
last night and will meet Tulane
Mayor Lindsley to Speak.
A letter to President Bizzell
. from Mayor Lindsley of Dallas
advises that he will spend Fri-
day, February 9, at College and
will address the faculty and stu-
dent body on Friday evening of
that date. The Dallas Club will
be asked to assist in entertaining
Mayor Lindsley.
Longhorn Announcement.
All members of the Committee
on Senior Write-ups will turn in
to me at once a list of the names
of men assigned to them
O. F' Spencer
gymnasium during the Rice-Ag-
gie basket ball games there.
Possibly iv will be recaptured by
Rice at that time.
“It cost the Aggies something
to transport the stuffed bird to
College Station, for its weight
was 191 pounds.”