Scores of Rice Games. In the first game with Rice at Houston, A. and M. lost by the close margin of 16 to 19. In the second game, Tuesday evening, the cadets were victor ious by a 21 to 13 score. If you have a book used in Eng lish 11, “Kittredge and Farley,” or in Hort 21, “Plant Propaga tion,” inform me and I shall ap preciate it —95 Milner. At Last. Envelopes with A. and M. seal —latest design —No. 7 Ross. LOST:—A tan glove for right hand. Please return it to No. 5 Pfeuffer. Whoever got my shoes mixed up with his at the shoe shop, please return mine and get his. Davidson, 21 Austin LOST—A pair of reg. trousers, sometime during the holidays. If you know anything about them please notify W. L. Jackson, at Ross 40. Campus Pedple: If the quality of the goods we sell and the prices we mak-' are as good as elsewhere, would you not prefer to trade with home folks? Get the other fellow’s quotations and then ask for ours. You’ll find it economy in the long run to trade with BOYETT’S STORE, N. Main Street. A. C. Bailey, Mgi. Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes WEBB BROS. Bryan Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes Guard Detail. January 19. 1917. Officer of the Day: Cadet Lieut Smith, P. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Spencer. O. F. Attention, Juniors. Nominations for editor and for business manager of the 1918 Longhorn will be received at 96 Leggett until 6 p. m. Wednesday January 24. J W. Williams. Chairman. THE QUEEN, Saturday “THE STOLEN TEUIMPH” , featuring Julius Steger. Special music.