The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 12, 1917, Image 2
Complete Line OF Spaldings Athletic Goods AT A. M. Waldrop & Co. “The Clothers” Senior Snap Shots. I am now ready for the senior snapshots. They can be turned in any night at Room 80 Leggett. They must be a clear picture of the man, any position, any uni form, anywhere, but the man must be alone in the picture. The actual part of the picture representing the man should be about two and one half, or three inches high. B G. Moreland, Editor, ’17 Longhorn. Guard Detail. January 18. 1917. Officer of the Day: Cadet Priv. Perrin, S E. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Lieut. Perrin, A. C. MEMORANDUM: Cadets now classed as Soph omores, who are in their third year, and who took the Sopho more Military Science last year, and who are, in other words,sim ply deficient juniors, may now sign up for the advanced course in the R. O. T. C. the same as other juniors. C. H. MULLER, FOR SALE:—Dry kindling cut into stove lengths. $6.00 per cord delivered. Phone Dairy Office. No 34. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP South Side Y. M. C. A. Everything White and Clean Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes \\ EBB BROS. Bryan Edwin Clapp and Bostonian Shoes