The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 12, 1917, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Friday, January 12, 1917. No. 85.
Headquarters Corps of Cadets
Agricultural &Mechanical Gollegeof Texas
College Station, Texas.
January 11, 1917.
General Order No. 43.
With the approval of the Pres
ident, the following promotion
and assignments are hereby
made in the Corps of Cadets:
1. Cadet Major J. B. Joyce,
Commanding 1st Battalion, 1st
Regiment, to be Lieutenant Colo
nel, Commanding Second Regi
ment vice Kurtz resigned.
2. Cadet Major C. T. Trickey
is transferred from the Third
Battalion, 1st Regiment, to the
1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, vice
Joyce promoted.
By order of the Commandant:
0. S. GRAY,
Captain, Corps Adjutant,
At police call the occupants of
each dormitory will police the
court and the ground around the
dormitory. Division inspectors
will have charge of this police.
Agricultural Faculty.
There will be a meeting of the
Agricultural Faculty today at
4:10 p. m. W. B. BIZZELL.
A. and M. 47, Southwestern 16.
A. and M. defeated Southwest
ern University by a score of 47
to 16 in the opening game of the
basketball season, at the gymna
sium, yesterday.
Coach Rix’s men will remain
for a second game this evening
at 7:30.
Fish to Play B. B. A. Quintet.
After the A. and M. - South
western game this evening, at
the gymnasium, the “fish” bas
ketball team will play the five
fro the Bryan Baptist Academy.
Longcope Captain of “Fish.”
E. M. Longcope of Houston
has been chosen by his team
mates for captain of the “Fish”
basketball team for the 1917 sea
son. Longcope played with
Houston Y. M. C.A. the past two
seasons. He is also a track man.
POUND:—A puttee. Call at
64 Mitchell.
My mind resembles not amirrow plate
Reflecting all the impressions it re
The good I love, the bad regard with
1 only cherish whom my heart be
— The Shi-King