The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 10, 1917, Image 2
(Continued from page one.) cupant in the 2nd battalion will paint the number of room and initial of hall on bottom of his bucket. * % 6. The other companies will fallin at their dormitories and be marched ‘to'a point within 100 yards of the fire, halted, and “await the orders of the fire mar- shall. : 7. The cadet colonel is desig- nated fire marshall and the other field officers, assistant fire mar- shalls. The fire marshall will ‘take full charge of the corps at the fire, subject to orders only - from the President, Comman- ‘dant, or Assistant Commandant. ~~ 8. Members of the guard are cautioned that the entire guard ‘will assemble at the guard room when the fire alarm is given. 9. The Officer of the Day will ‘notify the power house in case * of fire.” 10. Captains of companies in ‘ charge of apparatus will exam- ine same as to its completeness “at once. By order of the Commandant. wed), S..GRAY, Captain, Corps Adjutant, JUST THE THING “The Universal’’ Thermos Lunch Kit fills a long felt want. Call and see them at PARKER-ASTIN HAE DW ARE COMPANY fh van CAMPUS BARBER SHOP South Side YMCA. Everything White and Clean CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Try a quart of our “VELVET CREAM” : Topped off with Crushed “Fruit Quarts 25c Pints 15c CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY George A. Adams Insurance of all kinds including automobile Special attention to campus residents. Phones 265 and 539, Bryan. To Cadets and Campus People. The Bryan Daily Eagle is giv- ing an automobile to the contest: ant securing the largest number of subscriptions to that paper. I stand an excellent chance to win. The Campus people have been very kind in helping me. I wonder if there aren’t cadets who would find the Daily Eagle, with its College News, of suffi-. cient interest to justify their sub- _scribing for it and thus helping me, Jennie McMillan, Phone 103, Campus. > 1.OST:—A senior hat cord. inde nlease return to 99 Mil ner. i a ? ; %