The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 10, 1917, Image 1
DAILY BULLETIN Published Selly (except Mondays) Ls the A. and M. Print Shep fer cizculation amongstudents, faculty, and campus residents. Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Wednesday, January 10, 1917. No, 83. In Case Fire Should Break Out. In view of the constant danger of fire. the Commandant’s office has revised the following general order issued some months ago: Headquarters Corps of Cadets Agricultural & Mechanical Collegeof Texa College Station, Texas. General Order No 15: 1. When fire is discovered in a building, the alarm of fire will be sounded. All trumpeters know- ing of the fire will sound fire call, repeating the call several times. 2. When the alarm is giyen, the guard will assemble in front of the guard room. If a relief of the guard is not posted, the first relief will be posted at once The . commander of the guard will march the remainder of the guard to the fire and report it to the fire marshal 3. Company ““H” 2nd Regt., is designated as HOSE company. The captain of that company will make permanent details of noz- zle and spanner men, making two details, one to act in case the oth- er is not present All commis- sioned officers of the company will familiarize themselves with the fire plugs on the campus. 4. Company G 2nd is designat- ed as ladder company. In case of alarm, this company will pro- cure the ladders from the corru gated iron building east of Mil- ner Hall and proceed to the fire. Company E 2nd will get the chem: ical apparatus from the same - building and proceed to the fire. The 2nd Battalion, 1st Regt., is designated as bucket companies. and will be in charge of the ma- _ jor of that battalion. 3. Upon the alarm of fire, the hose and ladder companies will proceed with the apparatus to the fire and report to the fire marshall. The bucket companies will take buckets from their rooms, fall in, and be marched to the fire and reported to * the fire marshall by the major commanding the battalion, or, in his absence, by the senior cap- tain. When recall is sounded all cadets will pick up their buckets and replace then in their rooms. In order that buckets can be readily recognized each room oc- (Continued on page two.) Knowest thou what fortune is? "Tis Beauty's light obtaining; "Tis asking in her lane foralms And royal pompt disdaining. —Hafix.