wi sioned Officers will report to Ser- geant Hyland, at the armory, as follows: 1st Regt. after breakfast, De- cember 21st. 2nd Regt. after dinner, Décem- ber 21st. C. H. MULLER, Commandant. The Herman Army shoe will beoffered: for sale here during the: holidays, at the same old price. If your soles are wearing thin, get next to yourself and furnish a little Christmas com- fort to those tired, aching, cramped feet, which will also be a pleasure to your eyes and easy on your pocketbook. Frank Halsey, 23 Austin, Guard Detail. December 20, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Capt. Hanson, G. B. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Hanway, J. T. A Christmas Gift. See my line of jewelry before you buy your girl or anyone else a Christmas present. 1 have anything you want at Bryan - prices. Tubby Starnes, 51 Leggett LOST—Between Leggett Hall and Smith Studio, a small gold shield (Adjutants.collar insignia). Finder please return to H. R. Kerbow. at 46 Leggett or S. B. Dyer, at Mitchell 42. CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Try a quart of our “VELVET CREAM’ topped off with Crushed Fruit. Quarts 25c iy Pints 16¢ CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY RIDE EASY, SLEEP LATE! The H & T C. special willleave College Thursday night with all steel chair cars and tourist sleep- ers to Waco, F't. Worth, and Dal- las. All sleepers permit occu- pancy until 7:30 a. m. Friday. We appreciate your patronage, and will give you the best service and equipment in the state. Make 7 reservations and purchase your tickets now to avoid the last min- ute rush. See me. W. F. Davis, Agent. Attention, Seniors!!! Student uniforms pressed— Pants 10c, Blouse 15¢ to those who have our tickets. To others— Pants 15¢, Blouse 25c. PURCHASE YOU A TICKET. All citizens suits pressed at rate of 40c per suit. Pressing done by Hoffman Pressing ma- chine. Alterations neatly done. Yours to serve, KONECNY & ZACK, Pranristare of COLLEGE TATT.OR SHE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP South Side .Y. M.C. A. Everything White and Clean