The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, December 16, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulationamong students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II College Station, Texas, Saturday, December 16, 1916. No. 72
Faculty and College Employees.
All members of the faculty and
College employees who owe for
Athletic coupon books, please
pay Mr Seale at the business of-
fice of the College. The impres-
sion that this money would be
taken out of salaries is erroneous
. Your prompt remittance will be
Athletic Council
A ‘first look’ at the Pictoral
Annual, which arrived yesterday,
was the privilege of the Daily
Bulletin. Cadet Gibson has done
a skillful piece of work in produc-
ing this book of pictures. The
design and make-up are distinc-
tive and the quality and work-
manship most excellent.
No Concert Tonight.
Mr. Jones was forced to cancel
his engagement for tonight and
the concert has been postponed
until after the holidays.
Student Labor.
Student Labor in the E. E. De-
partment must be in by 9:30 to-
day. F.C BOLTON.
Attention, R. V’s.
Important meeting in chapel
Y. M. C. A. Sunday after supper,
Every member be present.
Engineering Teaching Staff.
On account of the meeting at
the Y. M. C, A., called for next
Monday afternoon by Mr. Ash:
burn, the December meeting of
the Engineering Teaching Staff
is hereby postponed to Januarv
15, 1917. The regular January
meeting will be on January 29,
1917. D. W. SPENCE,
Dean of Engineering.
Student Labor Notice.
All Student Labor payrolls
must be turned in to 211 Main
Building by 11:30a m. Saturday.
San Antonio Guys
Come out to room 28 C. E. Bld
Sunday, at 1:00 p, m. Exciting!
“Campus Pete.”
LOST —A Botany lab. note-
book, which means credit, or no
credit, on course. Please return
it to Stallings, Ross 41.
FOUND—In Main Building a
key to a Corbin Cabinet lock.
No. 1ZD11. Apply to Print Shep.
"Tis from high life high characters
are drawn.
— Pope.