The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, December 15, 1916, Image 3
CAMPUS BARBER SHOP South Side Y. M. C. A. Everything White and Clean Christmas Rates this year are 20 per cent off on the double one way rate. If cadets will see me at the H.and T. C. depot, I'll be glad to ad- vise them as to means of securing a much lower rate. W. F. Davis, Agent Electrical Engineers. There will be a meeting of the A. I. E. E. tonight All electrical engineers are urged to attend. Longhorn picture will be dis- cussed. A Sqnare Talk. Fellows, before you go down to town to buy your Christmas candy, you better have a look at my stand to find out howa good stuff looks like and what the prices are. If you can beat it in town, please don’t buy from me. “FRITS” Tailor Shop in Old Barber Shop. The Student Tailors are now located in the old barber shop building. Get vour work done before the rush. We do any kind of alterations, cleaning and pressing. Call by and see our new shop. Tumlinson and Alderson. President Bizzell wifl be out of his office Saturday. He will be in F't. Worth attending the Board meeting. Dean Puryear will be “Acting President. Make reservations now for Waco, Dallas, and Ft. Worth on the trains via H. & T. C., Decem- ber 21st, at H. & T. C. depot. Campus Residents. Laundry for the Ineeda will be collected and delivered as usual during the Christmas holidays. Joe Rogers will be in charge. FOUND — A cross-gun collar ornament. Apply to Print Shop. The Gibson to. go’. Try a quart of our "VELVET CREAM” topped off with Crushed Fruit Quarts 25¢ Pints 15¢ CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Attention, Seniors!!! Student uniforms pressed— Pants 10c, Blouse 15¢ to those who have our tickets. To others— Pants 15¢, Blouse 25c. PURCHASE YOU A TICKET. ‘ga All citizens suits pressed at = = per suit. : Pressing done by Hoffman Preséing ma- chine. Alterations neatly done. Yours to serve, KONECNY & ZACK. Prapriatore of COLLEGE TAILOR SHOP