The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, December 13, 1916, Image 2
The LARGEST STOCK of Young Men’s OVERCOATS IN BRYAN $15 to $25 A.M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan's Big Clothing Store important Notice. We will pay all express or post- age rates on foodstuffs, viz: cakes, sausage, deer, or other edibles, sent to those of us who will stay at College Christmas. When you are eating your Christmas din- ner, think of us and act quickly. Yours in hunger, JOE ROGERS (Railhead) Chairman. Headquarters: Ike Ashburn’s Ofttice. A second-hand uniform, prac- tically new, has been left in my office to be sold. Any cadet in- terested can obtain a good bar- ~~ gain. Charles E. Friley, Registrar. The Gibson ....... ? will save you work. Heads: of Departments. :: ‘Please have all bills vouchered before close of ‘school for Christ- mas and sent to Fiscal Depart- ment. We want to start-with a “clear slate’ on the first of the year. If you have received any" goods for which there are:-no ‘bills, piease advise and. we will write or phone for them. W. W. Wipprecht, Business Manager; Bankrupt Sale. Two overcoats, three hats and. one $30 suit of clothes for sale cheap at 80 Leggett. : Fry and Moreland. . LOST:—A chem. lab manual and a mechanical drawing book, part one.— C. F. Boulden, 33 Mitchell. A Brand New Jimmy. The wintry evenings are here, and there is nothing that one will enjoy as much as a good pipeful of tobacco after supper. Throw that old strong pipe away and see what we have to show you in a brand new J I-M-M-Y. BOYETT’S STORE A. C. Bailey, Manager. N. Main Street.