The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, December 10, 1916, Image 1
THE DAILY BULLETIN Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop forcirculation among students, faculty, and campus residents. Vol. IT College Station, Texas, Sunday, December 10, 1916. = No. 67. . To Captains of Companies. Captains of organizations will turn in to the Commandant’s of- fice by 8 a. m. Tuesday, the 12th . inst., the numbers of the rooms and name of hall in which there are three cadets to a reom. Each Captain will turn in the -information relative to his own organization, except the captain of the Band, who will turn in the information, for all. of Pfeuffer Hall. It is very important that ~ lists be accurate. C. H. MULLER, Commandant. Help the J anitors. Students are becoming care- less about throwing scraps of food, fruits, and papers out of their windows into the courts and on the ground around the dormitories. This practice more than doubles the work of the jan- itors. Please help us by not throwing this trash around, but put it in the cans in the halls. The Student Janitors. Everyone going home by way of Ft Worth or Dallas are re- quested to meet in the East end of the Mess Hall immediately af- ter supper tonight. Engraved cards at Print Shop. You Can Help the College. The 2,000 feet of motion pic- ‘tures, two reels, made of A. and M. activities last commencement is available for use in any town in Texds. The cost of this film will not exceed $4. Added to it will be pictures of the Baylor-A. and M. game at Waco and per- haps something from the Austin game. During the past summer the Graham Club, J. M. Burkett. president, gave a benefit show, using this picture and two reels of good melodrama. A local or- chestra completed the attraction and the pictures were shown to a large crowd. The Graham Club made a neat little sum and advertised A. and M. in a highly profitable manner. If you are interested in this matter, tale it up with me before the hotidays. IKE ASHBURN, Publicity Agent The swimming pool at the -Y, M. C. A will be filled during Monday, December 12, hence will not be open to the public until 7 o'clock Mond iy evening. S. H. Hickman. MILAM county boys will meet at 1 p. m.: today in 17 Leggett. Aug. G. Kunz, President.