Wanted Pennants Today. I would like to secure 125 A. and M. College pennants today for use in decorating the State Capitol for the reception at Aus tin o n Thanksgiving. These pennants will be tagged and in case any are lost, they will be paid for by the Austin Commit tees. Ike Ashburn, Room 113, Main Building. Wants You To Learn This. Cheif Yell Leader, C. O. Den ning, wants the Corps to learn the words to the following Army yell, to be used on the Austin trip: CHARGE YELL! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Wow! Wow! Wow! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Ki Yi! Wow! Wow! Wow! CHARGE!!! Guard Detail. November 29, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Priv. Bivins, J. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Lieut. Braunig, C. F. WANTED—At 14 Goodwin, a reg. cap, size 7 1-8 Pecans at 6 Pfeuffer, 6 Mitch ell and 93 Milner. Who ever pk:ked up my Chem istry text by mistake, in a class room yesterday morning, please let me know about today. I need it badly. 23 Mitchell. N. W. Willett. Jr. Dixie Theatre, Bryan Today, Nov. 28tK LIONEL BARRYMORE in a classy comedy drama, “The Brand of Paradise,” supported by a cast of beautiful swimming and diving girls. ICE CREAM ICE CREAM Try a quart of our “VELVET CREAM” topped off with Crushed Fruit. Quarts 25c Pints 15c CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Boys! Boys! Take advantage of the fair weather, when its here, to have your sitting made for the Long horn, and don’t forget |the Spec ial Mountings made with the A. and M. seal or the design of the senior ring embossed on the fold er. They will made ideal Christ mas gifts. SMITH STUDIO. North Main Street, College Station Attention, Seniors!!! Student uniforms pressed— Pants 10c, Blouse 15c to those who have our tickets. To others— Pants 15c, Blouse 25c. PURCHASE YOU A TICKET^H All citizens suits pressed at rate of/ 40c per suit. * Pressing done by Hoffman Pressing ma chine. Alterations neatly done. Yours to serve, KONECNY & ZACK. P-orietor, of COT 1 ROE TAILOR SHOP