The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 28, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among studenty;
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. 11 - - College Station, Texas, Tuesday, November 28, 1916. No. 57.
Details for Austin Trip.
The following instructions in
regard to the Austin trip were
issued last evening from the of-
fice of the Commandant:
Reveille j
Isteall .--. - 5:15
Assembly - - - 5:30
Police call - - - 5:35
Mess call - - - - 5:45
Assembly - - - - 5:50
For formation to march to
1stcall ---- 6:35
Assembly - - - 6:40
Regimental Supply Officers
and Adjutants will report to the
Commandant at station at 6:40
sharp. They will bring chalk.
First Regiment and Band will
go on first train, 2nd Regiment
on second train. Cars will be
marked as on Waco trip. En-
training will be by company.
Captains * will, have charge of
their cars and will sniorce prop-
er discipline.
Cadets will not get off trains at
any stops. Detraining will be
ordered by the/ Commandant.
Upon dismissal of the corps at
Austin, cadets will be at liberty
until 11:45 p. m.
1st call - 11:40 p. m..
Assembly 11:45 p. m.
Companies will be formed op-
posite their cars, and roils called.
Seat Sale Closes Today.
At 6:30 p. m. today all seats for
the 1 hanksgiving game that are
not sold will be sent back to Aus-
tin. Take notice. Last chance!
Athletic Council.
Track Meet Postponéd.
The track meet for ‘new’ and
“old” students has been post-
poned to Saturday afternoon,
December 9th.
Regimental commanders will re-.
ceive reports of absentees in
writing from each company.
All cadet officers will be on du-
_ ty in Austin and will report all
breaches of regulations and or-
The corps is reminded that it
will be under close scrutiny dur-
ing the trip, not only by civilians
but by may others who recognize
proper military appearance.
Remember to keep your
blouses buttoned and your ecol-
. lors hooked.
¢ He is a noble man who
‘is himself what he believes
other men should be. — The
Message of the Buddha.