The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 23, 1916, Image 2
The LARGEST STOCK of Young Men's "| OVERCOATS IN BRYAN $15 to $25 A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan's Big Clothing Store | ‘Freshman Nominations. Nominations for the fcllowing officers of the Freshman Class will be recieved at No. 73 Leg- gett until “taps” on Monday night, Noyember 27: President Vice-president Secretary-treasurer Historian Four members for the Student unc! inations for the following of the first year Two- hss will be received at 73 until ‘‘taps’” Monday r. 27: \t sident v-treasurer nen have no repre- sentation in the Students’ Coun- cil. Each nomination list shall be signed by at least twenty mem- bers of the respective class. C.T. TRICKEY, Ch’rm’n, Senior Election Com. FOUN D:—The following books are at the Stock-room, Chemis- try Dept: “College Botany’’ Atkinson. “Field Crop Production’ Liv- ingston. - Plane and Spherical Trigonom- etry’ Taylor and Puryear ‘Essentials of English Compo- sition’’ Linn. “Twelfth Night’ Several Note Books. Please call for these books. Stationery.—7 Ross — Heine. “CADETS” We sell the famous Bostonian Shoes Fdwin Clapp Shoes and everything in Men’s Furnishing Goods. Yours truly, Webb Brothers Bryan