THE DAILY { B 1 ; LETIN J Published daily (except Mondays) oy the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation smong student, i | holy) and campus residents. Vol II. College Station, Texas, Thursday, Novernher 23, 1916. | “No. 53 53. Special Train Coming to Game. A special train of rooters from Dallas will arrive on the H. & T. C. at 1 p. m. today to attend the game between A and M. and Dallas University. Among the visitors will be several young ladies. The Athletic Council re- quests that all cadets who have not classes at the ore o'clock hour go down to the station to meet the train. The football game will start at4 p.m. men, et -, are to report at 3:30 promptly. Interest in Turkey Day Contest. Read the Daily Texan. It is full of news of Thanksgiving plans. Every story in the Texas daily, whether on politics, music or social life, in some way refers to the Thanksgiving game. That means that they are in- stilling fight into their team and that Texas is going to be powerful” hard to beat. Must Have Tickets for Thanks- giving Hop. Those who expect to attend the Thanksgiving Hop. Friday night, December 1st, must have tickets in order to be admitted. C.O. DENNING, Ch’rm’n, Finance Committee. All guards, ticket’ will be. available; for those who i Rooters’ Tickets to Seniors First. Bulletin. will meetin 102 Legge Pay Checks Before Austin Trip. Heads: of Depa rtments are re- quested to hand their monthly payrolls to the Business Man- ager not later thun the 27th of November. & tudent pay rolls will be issued this month on Nov. 28th. Regular monthly pay checks will be ready for payment on Nov. 29, : This special service is being rendered in order that ‘‘funds?’ are planning to go to Austin. W. WIPPRECHT, Business Manager. Sale of tickets for rooters’ sec- tion of the A. and M -Texasgame will be open to seniorsat 1. p. m. Saturday. Wurther announce: ments in regard t) rooters’ tick- et will be made in the Priday The Turkey Trot Clj diately after supper to boys from DeWitt present, J.B A letter addressed ® Wiess. 1816 Calder A mont, Texas, is held at the campus pos