; Tickets for Texas Game. Only end seats are left for Thanksgiving, except rooters’ ticket. Sale for rooters’ section will be announced later. There will be a meeting of the West Texas Club in 24 Mitchell immediately after supper tonight Sergeant Howard, night ser geant, will leave College Decem ber first for Chin Lee, Ariz.. and points, in New Mexico, where he will buy Moqui Indian baskets and Navajo blankets, rugs, sad dle blankets, bracelets, turquoise rings, knives, forks, and souve nir spoons. Sergeant Howard expects to open an agency here for those articles and will make special prices for A. and M. friends. A Brand New Jimmy. The wintry evenings are here, and there is nothing', that one will enjoy a s much as a good pipeful of tobacco after supper. Throw that old strong pipe away and see what we have to show you in a brand new JIMMY. BOYETT’S STOKE A C. Bailey, Manager. N. Main Street. The “Sneaks” have arrived. New shipment of bath robes just received. BRANDON AND LAWRENGE What is it? The following item was left at the Bulletin shop yesterday: “Lost—somewhere between second floor Main building and Pleuffer. Please return it to No. 2 Pfeuffer for thick malted. There will be a special meeting of the Caldwell-Hays County Club in No. 80 Milner at 12.30 today. All be present President. There will be a meeting of the Cooke County boys in room 43 Mitchell, immediately afteiyd&v ner today M. Mitchell. / A meeting of the Bell County Club will be held at 6:30 p. m. to day in No. 65 Goodwin. Be sure to be there.