3 arriving at Austin at 10:30. The ~monies when Dr RE. Vinson is have standard sleepers, tourist THE DAILY BULLETIN | Published daily ( except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students faculty, and campus residents. Vol. IT College Station, Texas, Wednesday, November 29. 1916. No. 52. Plans For Austin Trip. i : College Calendar. Final plans for the trip to Aus. _ Today, Wednesday, Nov. 22. tin have been made. Two spse: =" Y ~ Tecture in Chapel tonight at’ cial trains over the I. & G. N. 7:30, by Dr. Winship, of Bos. will leave Oollege at 7:10 o'clock, tom : Tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 28. cadet corps will not be nnder Football game. Dallas Univer- arms, but senior. officers will : wear side arms ~~ The corps will * Field, 4:00 p. m. attend the inauguration cere- S A. A at Chapel, 7:30 p. m. inducted into. the office of presi- Py Se > 301 E. E. dent of the University. Building, 7:15 The trains will leave Austin for College at 12:00, midnight, and 12:100’clock. Hach section will Saturday, November o5. Football game. A. and M. Dallas i : sleepers, and day coaches. The of Dallas, a5 Xyle Pisin, 5:00, fare will be $1 50 for the round Sunday, November 26. tip. =n Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. eS a nA Mass, 401 Main Building. 9:30. Dr. Winship to Lecture Tonight. ; Chapel Speaker, Dr. A E. Ra- P The address which was to have fon, resident of Howard been given Tuesday night by Dr. Program at Y. M. C. A. Chap. A. E Winship, editor of the New el 7:30 p.m. : England Educational Journal will "Monday. Novembar 27. be delivered tonight in the Chap el at 7:40. Dr. Winship was un- able to reach here "Tuesday. Campus ‘people and cadets are Sociological Club. Fuesday, November 28. and old” men who have not “urged to attend tonight. won a pr Medals to be A awarded. Student Labor Pay Roll. ow All ‘Student Labor Payrolls . Young bachelors: connected must be turned in to 211 Main - with the College, who are inter. - Building by 11.30 today. ested in a Christmas holiday M, B. GIBSON. dance, meet at “Y’ at 4:10 today. sity vs. A. and M. at Kyle Freshmen vs. Terrill School, . Payne College, Brownwood. «= Track Meet for ‘new” men