The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 18, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
: faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. IT College Station, Texas, Saturday, November 18,1916. No. 49.
Meetings in Y. M.C. A,
Hereafter, those who wish to
hold meetings of any sort in the
Y. M. C. A. Building must notify
me before making such announce
This is necessary that we may
avoid conflicts in meetings.
S. H. Hickman, Supt. of Bldg.
Notice To Bible Classes.
All classes will meet as usual
Sunday morning. Unless other-
wise instructed by the teachers,
classes should prepare the lesson
which was assigned for last Sun-
day. Campus classes will take
the lesson according to the quar.
terly. A. Mitchell,
Teaching Staff.
Members of the Teaching Staff
who have received academic de-
grees since the date on which
they handed in their personal
records will please hand me a
memorandum covering the facts.
: Dean.
Notice, Students in Chemistry.
Agricultural Chemistry Labor-
oratory will be open this after-
noon from 1 to 4 for students to
make up laboratory work.
Division Inspector List.
Following is the list of division
inspectors for tLe week ending
November 26, 1916:
Austin Haull— Thomas, C. L.
Milrer Hall—
1st floor Allen, E. R.
de ey Brailsford, T.R,
3rd ” - Haiies, P. G,
4th »” . Menn, HL.
Leggett Hall—
1-t floor . - Hafner, V. E.
2nd" . Stroman, G.N,--
8rd ”* . Swink, W.T.~
4th”. Darby, 1. A.
Ross Hall Barbee, W. T.
~ Mitcheil Hall—
1st floor - Cather, H. M.
2nd ” - Spencer, O. F.
3rd "" . Metcalfe, S. L.
- 4th ”» Conway, M. J.
Foster Hall—
1st & 2nd floor Hubbard, E. P.
- 8rd & 4th floor Woody, G. A.
Pfeuffer Hall Yeutes,., C.
Goodwin Hall—
1st & 2nd floor Foster, W. C.
3rd & 4th floor Mauldin, E.
Guard Detail.
November 17, 1916.
_ Officer of the*Dav:
Cadet Prev. Wood, W. M.
Officer of the Guard:
Cudet Priv. Yates, C, C.