The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 17, 1916, Image 3
| JUST ERCEIVED A complete 3 -of ) Ge STAYIUNERY - R. V. and all classes. Sve MOORE & HUBBARD 4 36. \ Foster forty five hd ICE CREAM ICE CREAM [= Try a quart of our "VELVET CREAMY: | topped off with Crushed Fruit. Quarts 25¢ 7 “Pints 15¢c CA \ | p u S CONFECTIONERY : - Boys! Boys" Take dvantas oF the fair = weather, when its here, to have your sitting made for the Long- horn, and don’t forget tle Spec- ial Mountings made with the A. and M. seal or the design of the senior ring embossed on the fold- or. They will made ideal Christ- pas gifts. SMITH STUDIO, North Main Street, College Station: Attention, Seniors!!! Student uniforms pressed— Pants 10c; Blouse 15¢ to those. who have our tickets. | To others— J, Pants 15¢, Blouse 25c. / PURCHASE YOU A TICKET. All citizens suits pressed at rate of 40c par suit, Pressing done by Hoffman Pressing ma- chine. Alterations neatly done. Yours to serve, KONECNY & ZACK. p-oprietors of COLLEGE TAILOR SHOP - § I ‘pillow tops with the A. themselves. cles huve Ideal Christmas Gifts. What else could you get that would please ‘your girl” more than one of those pretty leather and M. desig, or the newest creation in a leather kodak album? Both of these are bandsoie and service- ‘able. ) ‘ The san ples will speak for If you're ‘anxious to see them before we get around to you, call at 21 Mitchell. We have something to interest you. M fhchell : 21 Mitchell 21 FOUND — The followitig arti- been found in the Drawing Department: One cadet campaign hat. Two pocket knives. One “Kirst Course In Algebra” (C. 8. Wolston’s name inside) Cne ‘ Sutton and Kimbroich Aritl metic.” A. Mitchell. Ww FOUN D—A bunch of six keys, one Chem. lab. key No. 269 / These were found a couple of weeks ago Apply at Print’ Shop LOST. A Chem. loose leaf note book. Please return to 63 Mil- ner. S.A. Palmer, ROPERS SEES eine Dive Theatre, Br yan TODAY, Friday, Nov. 16. SESSUE HAYAKAWA in “Hon orable Friend,” a paramount | masterpiece, At the Queen, House Peters in “The Rail Rider.” .