The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 14, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. 11 College Station, Texas, Tuesday, November 14, 1916. No. 45.
Call for Recommendations.
The attention of all field offi-
cers and captains of organiza-
tions is calied to circular posted
on Bulletin Board No. 1, calling
for recommendations for ap-
pointment of N. C. O.’s, which
must be submitted by 8 a.m.
‘November 16, 1916.
Mr. Mayo Tutoring for Mr. Bible.
Thomas F. 'Mayo, assistant
professor of Englishat A. & M.,
will have charge of Mr. Bible's
tutoring during the latter's ab-
sence. At Oxford, where Mr.
Mayo is a Rhodes Scholar, every
student in the University has a
The Thanksgiving reception
and ball at the State Capitol at
Austin will be free to A. and M.
cadets and faculty members.
University students and resi
dent alumni will be required to
pay $2.00 each.
FOUND—In Waco a bunch of
keys balonging to someone at
College Station. Ring had one
lab. key No. 1561 and three others
attached. Callat 20 Mitchell.
C. B. Norwood.
. Total Receipts at Baylor, $8900.00
The A. and M. share of receipts
at Baylor was $1722 21. ‘lhe to-
tal amount of ticlet s.iles was
Military Science Lesson.
The lesson in Military Science
for week of November 13 is from
Part TI, page 487, to paragraph
549, page 491, Moss Manual.
Anyone wishing to buy reserve
seats for himself or a friend, for
the A. ard M.- Texas game, may
d) so, 1s sale is now open to the
public = Sale if seats in rooters
section will be announced later.
> a
Dr. A. B Ray, associate pro-
fessor of Chemistry, has been
sick for a week or more. Other
instructors in the Chemistry De-
partment have met his classes.
LOST—A bundle «f laundry,
with murk J15. Please notify
W. O. Jones, 74 Leggett.
LOST—A black fountain pen
with piece of copper wire on’
safety. Please return it to 74
LOST--A Solid Geometry:
Please return it to 82 Milner.
Has Li, E. Peacock’s name in it.