The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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/ Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Thursday, November 9, 1916. No. 42.
Schedule for Waco Trip.
The following memorandum
concerning the Waco trip was is-
sued today from the Comman-
dant’s office:
Headquarters Corps of Cadets
Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas
College Station, Texas.
1. Trip to Waco.
Reveille . . . .
Assembly . , .
Police Call . . .
Mess Call . .
1st Call
2. Regiments will be marched
to the station by Regimental
Commanders. They will be di-
rected to the trains there. The
regiments will march down in
column of squads in normal or-
der; that is, A, B, C, etc. :
3. Cars will be marked with
letter of company and number of
regiment, front to rear, begin-
ning with A.
4. Bach company will have one
car. Captains will be responsi:
ble for their cars. They will
have a guard detailed for the
trip. These guards will be post-
ed at the doors Cadets are not
allowed to leave the train. Cap-
tains will report any damage done
to the car and name of cadet who
did it.
5. Supply officers of each reg-
iment will report to the Com-
mandant at the station at 6:50.
They will each bring a piece of
6. On arriving at Waco, orders
will be issued when to detrain.
Each company will fall in, in col-
umn of squads, opposite its car,
and await orders.
7. Uniform: Black shoes, gray
blouse and trousers, gray cap,
white gloves.
8. Arms: Rifle, belt and bayo-
9. Cadets confined to the cam-
pus may go with'their companies.
10. Friday for drill the band
will turn out.
Uniform: Blouse, gray trous-
ers, gloves, black shoes, cap.
The corps will be formed for
parade in “line of masses’ on the
drill ground, west of Goodwin
Hall, facing north. All officers
will look up their duties and com-
mands. « Captains will see that
their companies are divided into
platoons of four squads each.
11. The freshman squad for
exhibition drill will report to
Lieut. Morris on the football field
at Waco at 2:15 p. m sharp.
12. Cadets will be at liberty
from after the parade. until 9:50
' p. m., when they will “fall in’ at
the stacks preparatory to march:
ing to the train.
By order of the Commandant.
Cadet Capt. & Adjt.