The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 08, 1916, Image 3
Wholesale Sweater Market. Sweaters at wholesale prices— the best that can be bought. If you don’t belive the claim, call at no. 9 Pfeuffer and inspect our heavy samples. “Peg’’ Woodson LOST—I have misplaced my “Field Crops,” by Livingston. Has initials J. V. H. printed on side. Finder please notify 83 Goodwin and get a malted. A. F. Muller. For the Waco Trip. Get your clothes ready for the Waco trip before the rush. . And remember we do pressing and all kinds of tailoring. Take a look at our samples for uni- forms and citizen’s suits. Tumlinson & Alderson. A REAL SMOKE! Men who know a real good smoke will find the most com- plete line of CIGARS in the following: Joan of Arc Salome Jim Ferguson Watts Little Barretts Cinco Lawrence Barretts El Roi Tan Little Toms Little Tan Rex Roys Roi Tan (Infants) Capstan One that has ever smoked any will recognize the above - named Cigars of QUALITY. SEE, THEM. BOYETT’S STORE A.C Bailey, Manager North Main Street. The “Sneaks” have: arrived. New shipment of bath robes just received. BRANDON AND LAWRENCE Baylor Tickets on Sale. Baylor box seats can be secured atthe Y. M.C. A., all other seats Wednesday and Thursday at Leigh’s Confectionery. Dont wait until the last min- ute. Do it now! Texas reserves and boxes at YMCA Athletic Council. LOST-—A Waterman's Ideal Fountain pen, self-filler Please return it to No. 4 Austin. EXCURSION RATE to Waco, November 11, $1.50 round trip H. & T. C. the official route. a ~ Library Table For Sale. | Heavy turned oak table with one drawer for sale cheap. See J. J. Richey, Room 23, Civil En- gineering Building. 6t y