New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES at A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store Guard Detail. November 9, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Priv. Priester, L. A. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Capt. Reilly, P. P. SOMEONE removed my "‘Col lege Physics” from the library. Be kind enough to replace it a- gain where you found it. A. F. Muller. FOUND—On drill field, a Sar gent key and a trunk key, both on a ring and attached to a safe ty hook. Owner may recover it at Pfeuffer 6. LOST—Tuesday afternoon, a $10 bill. If finder will return same to 78 Leggett, it will be worth while. C. T. Trickey. WANT, LOST, FOR SALE, ETC. LOST—A Waterman fountain pen, probably in Ag. Building. Kindly return it, if found, to P. Jordan, 19 Mitchell FOUND—Near Pfeuffer Hall, a key bearing the wording, “St. Louis Guarantee—S. H. Co ” Owner will please call at Print Shop LOST—A Chem. note book. Has a black cover with S. Palm er’s name on it. Taken from room 59 Milner. Return it to 59 or 68 Milner and we will visit Leigh’s. I wmuld appreciate it very much if the person who borrow ed my glasses from 88 Leggett would return them today. D. D. Murphree “CADETS” We sell the famous Bostonian Shoes Edwin Clapp Shoes and everything in Men’s Furnishing Goods. Yours truly, Webb Brothers Bryan