New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES at A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store Division Inspector List. Following is the list of division inspectors for the week ending November 12,1916: Austin Hall— Seele, A. H. Milner Hall— 1st floor - Waterhouse, W„ 2nd ” - Earnest, L.H. 3rd ” - Kiber, D. H. 4th ” - Powers, G. A. Leggett Hall— 1st floor - Mattox, J. K. 2nd ” - Reily, P. P. 3rd ” Lockett, W. C. 4th ” - Fry, H. L. Ross Hall Bramlette, F. L. Mitchell Hall— 1st floor - Hervey, S, D. 2nd ” - Barnes, J. R. 3rd ” - Cochran, T. B. 4th ” Conway, M J. Foster Hall— 1st & 2nd floor Flach, E. K. 3rd & 4th floor Buchanan, D S Pfeuffer Hall Hanson, G. B. Goodwin Hall— 1st floor - Lyle, F. M. 2nd ” - Otto, J. A. 3rd ” - Cartwright, EB 4th ” - Blanton, J.F. Y. M. C. A. Pool Opened. You will need a bathing cap to go swimming in the new Y. M. C. A. pool, just opened; some sta tionery to write home about it, some pencils to write with, and some erasers to rub out the mis takes. Get it all, cheaper than anywhere else, at No. 7. Ross.(3t) If the fellow who borrowed a Moss Manual from room 25 Mit chell will return it, it would be very much appreciated. Cadets, Notice! Supply your rooms with Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Table Cov ers, Bed Spreads, Pillows, Com forts, Blank ets, Etc., - from Webb Brothers Men’s Furnishing Goods Bostonian Shoes for Men