The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 04, 1916, Image 1
THE DAILY BULLETIY Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students, : faculty, and campus residents. Vol. II. College Station, Texas, Saturday, November 4, 1916. No. 38. Science Seminar. The second meeting of the Science Seminar will be held in Room 307, Academic Building, Monday evening, November 6, at 7:40 All members of the Col- lege and Station staffs and all graduate students are cordially invited to be present. Ag. Engineering 15 and 55. Students desiring to make up work either in theory or practice may do so, Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock. LEROY RHODES Guard Detail. November 5, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Capt.Metcalfe, S. Li. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Montgomery, R. Johnson County Club. There will be a meeting of of Johnson County boys in 54 Milner tonight, immediately af- ter supper. HKvery member be there. Something special! LOST—A “Forage Crops and Their culture’ and a Wooley’s “Handbook of Composition.” Liberal reward for the return of these books to No. 7, Ross Hall. —W. J. Ray. Football Here Saturday. The A. and M. freshmen team will meet the Kirkley School, from Greenville, Saturday after- noon at 3 o’clock on Kyle field. Kirkley is supposed to have a strong team. The results of the Rice game will be received, play by play, at the grounds also. “Billy” Vandergraff, of Ala- bama, a disciple of Tubby Graves, and an All American tackle, will give some exhibition work in kicking. Texas U. vs Missouri U. The Longhorn team of Texas University has gone to Columbia, Missouri, to play the Missouri Tigers. Tomorrow morning’s Bulletin will probably give the score. Someone has horrowed from me the ‘Quarterly of Economies for February and May. Please return them at once. These ’ magazines belong to. the College Library.—I.. H Huebner, Mitch: ell 62. bt The sophomores can now ob tain their Sunday School books, " “Willman’s Men of the Old Test. ament,’”’ hy calling at the lib rary.