The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 03, 1916, Image 2
bY New Shipments of REGULATION. SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES at A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store Exchange Store Shipments. The following Hxpress ship- ments have just been received by the Exchange Store: Biology Dissecting Sets. Biology Lenses. Practical Zoology. Moore’s Organic Chemistry. Ries & Watson Engineering (Geology. Hedges & Bryant Laboratory Manual of Agricultural Chemis- try. Jackson Elementary Electrici- ty & Magnetism. Seaton Concrete Construction. Sanderson Insect Pests. Moon & Brown Elements of Forestry. Davidson & Chase Farm Ma- chinery & Farm Motors. Lomer & Ashmun’s Study and Practicerof Writing English: New Hudson Shakespeare. Piersal Normai Histology. Veterinary Dissecting Guide. Vaughn's Types & Market Classes. , Davidson Agricultural Engin- eering. (adv) The EXCHANGE STORE. Architectural Club Meeting: A regular meeting of the Archi- tectural Club will be held tonight (Friday) in room 400 Main Bldg. An interesting program has been arranged, and each member is requested to make a special effort to be present. The new programs will be an- nounced, along with other busi- ness of importance. Cadets, Notice! Supply your rooms with Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Table Cov- ers, Bed Spreads, Pillows, Com- forts, Blank- ets, Etc., from Webb Brothers Men's Furnishing Goods Bostonian Shoes for Men