The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 29, 1916, Image 1

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Published-daily (except Mondays) ot the A. and M. Print Shop forcirculationamong ¥ students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. 11. College Station, Texas, Sunday, October 29. 1916. No. 33.
Officers For Thanksgiving Hop.
Nominations for officers for
the Thanksgiving Hop must be
turned in, at 46 Leggett, before
‘taps tonight. The following offi-
cers are to be elected:
Chairman of Invitation Com-
mittee. (From Senior Class).
Chairman of Finance Commit-
tee. (From Senior Class).
Chairman of Arraingment
Committee (From Senior Class).
Chairman of Decoration Com-
mittee. (From Junior Class).
Chairman of Floor Committee."
(From Junior Class).
The election will be held Tues-
day, October 31.
North Texas Club.
All students from Collin, Red
River, Grayson, Fannin, Lamar,
Delta and Hopkins counties are
requested to meet up stairs in
the Y. M. C. A. Building at 1 p.
m. today.
Rio Grande Valley Club.
Students from Val Verde, Za-
pata, Maverick, Webb, Starr, Hi-
dalgo and Cameron counties are
invited to meet at Room 68 Mit:
chell Hall, after dinner today, to
organize the Rio Grande Valley
Club. M. J. Conway
Horticultural Society Meeting.
Everyone that is interested in
Horticulture is expected to be
present at the meeting of the
Horticultural Society Monday
night Oct. 80, 1916, from 7:30 to
8:30 in the ‘Bug’ Building. All
junior and senior Hort. students
should be there. . The second
year two-year students should
also attend. Visitors are cordi-
ally invited.
“Canning Fruits, »—W. (Fos,
“Cooperative Marketing... J.
A. Otto. :
"Forestry,”—F. M. Lyle.
There will be a surprise for
everyone. J. B. Rountree.
Engineering Teachers’ Staff.
The October meeting of the En-
gineering Teachers’ staff wiil be
held: in room R01 of the KE. E.
Building Monday, October 30, at
4:10 p. m. AU teachers of the
College are invited to attend.
D. W. Spence,
Dean of Fingincers ing.
There will be a meating of the
San Antonio Club in room 28
E. Building at 1 o’clock today.
P. H. Roe.