The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 24, 1916, Image 4

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    é : ) YS”
Don’t fail wo pay us a visit
each day, as there is som e-
| thing that you always need. If
at any time you are in need of
: something that we do not car-
ry in stock, let us know. We
| need you and you need us, so
let’s get together and cooper-
ate in our wishes.
Anything that you way need
in your ''FEASTS”, just let
us know, and we will prepare
for them.
North Main Street,
College Station.
| Reveille To Be Discontinued Soon
but until then you need an alarm
clock to get you there on: time—
I have them. 1 also have ANY-
THING in the jewelry line. What
J. M. Caldwell, the jeweler, has,
Ican get. My line consists of
R. V. pins, “T"’ pins, A. and M.
seal pins, rings and hat pins, A.
and M. belts, watches, watch
fobs and club pins. See me at
51 Leggett. — ‘Tubby’ Starnes.
East Texas Club.
There will be a meeting of all
boys from East Texas, in Room
22 afisehell, immediately after
LOST— One Kimball Physics. \
Finder please notify C. J. Tay-
lor, 70 Milner.
We’ve always been here
/ and the “‘old boys’ will
tell you about us. Re-
liable tailoring, cleaning
and pressing.
Makers of ‘‘Charlie
-Made’’ uniforms.
Campus Tailor.
FOUND--In the Drawing De:
partment, a regulation hat, size
ZL 1-8. Owner please call at office.
FOR S ALE One set of second
hand drawing ‘instruments.
Room 6 Leggett. J. A. William-
Son... adv
Rowuiation gray sweaters
(Spaulding and Bradley Knit) at
21 Mitchell.
Your Folks at Home
Your Mother, Father, or Sister
is likely to want a nice picture
of their Son or Brother while he
is away at School. Call and let
us make some for you. We are
now in our new location and
have two very efficient men to do
your work.
Call and see us.
North Main Street,
College Station.