The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 21, 1916, Image 3
(~ un Alda Senior Dance. The first senior dance of the year will be given in the gym Saturday evening from eight to twelve. All campus people are cordially invited. No one is ex- pected to be present except the members of the Senior Class and invited guests. Music for the evening will be furnished by the College Orchestra. Anyone desiring to.order a set of drawing instruments may see us before Monday. We will send off an order on the 23rd.—Hen- sarling & Seyle, 42 Foster. BORROWED — Whoever bor- rowed my book entitled, ‘Forage Plant and Their Culture,’ will please notify me at 23 Mitchell. 1 he Home of Correct Clothes for Men You are always welcome Brandon & Lawrence .. Bryan ICE CREAM -4CE CREAM Try a quar ‘our “VELVET CREAM” topped off ‘with Crushed Fruit. Quarts '25¢ "Pints 10¢ CAMPUS CONFECTIONERY Guard Detail. October 22, 1916. Officer of the Day: : Cadet Priv. Gilfillan, M. D. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Halbedl, C. C. $5.00 Reward. I will pay $5.00 reward for my musical instrument: which was lost Saturday night when the - corps met the football team.—G. C. Cocreham, 16 Pfeuffer. & New College Tailor Shop Open at Tauber’'s Place. - Behind Mess Hall Will be glad to make your uni form or citizen's suit. First class workmanship guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing, an? repairing a specialty. We sell régulation caps for underclassmen or seniors, and all insignia of rank, ete. Regular underclassman’s bloudt worked over into officer's Stile for $1 50 Reduced price on all other work. See us first. New College Tailor Shop KONEENY & ZACK, Proprietors