The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 20, 1916, Image 4
o- ai “sys” Don’t fail to'pay us a visit each day, as there is som e- thing that you always need. If at any time you are in need of something that we do not ‘car- ry in stock, let us know. We need you and you need us, so let’s get together and cooper- ate in our wishes. Anything that you may Becd in your “FEASTS”, just let us know, and we will prepare for them. BOYETT'S STORE * North:-Main Street, - College Station. WANT, LOST, FOR SALE, ETC. I =a LOST—A pearl handle knife—- - three blades, one broken. Return it, if found, to M. RK. Wormser, 98 Milner, and receive reward. FOUND—In front of north door of Main Building, a, bunch of five keys. Call at Print. Shop. LOST--A bunch of keys, be- tween Main Building and Ross Hall. (Three Yale keys and two trunk keys). to No. 7. Ross Hall. get your sweaters here on the campus. No need for going to town: sentative at 21 Mitchell. A fountain pen has been found on the campus. cover it at 99 Milner. - Please return them iA. "'M. Waldrop’s repre-: Owner may: re- - EF RESHMEN, | ATLEN T LON! We’ ve always been Yére aif and the ‘‘old boys” will ii +: » tell you about ‘mus.. Re- liable tailoring, cleaning and pressing. ' ; ‘Makers of ‘Charlie Made” uniforms. : CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor. $5.00 Reward. I will pay $5.00 reward for my’ * musical instrument which - “Was lost Saturday night when the corps met the football team.—G-. C. Cocreham, 16 Pfeuffer. Please return my “Moss Man- ual to Goodwin, No. 2. Regulation gray sweaters (Spaulding and Bradley Knit) at 21 Mitchell. Your Folks at Home Your Mother, Father, or Sister is likely to want a nice picture of their Son or Brother while’ he is away at School. Call and let us make some for you. * We are now in our new location and have two very efiicient men to do your work. Call and see us. SMITH STUDIO. North Main Street, College Station.