The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 20, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily {scape Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. 11. College Station, Texas, Friday, October 20, 1916... No. 25.
Senior Election Today.
Those who tied for places on
the last senior ballot will be voted
on today. Seniors willall please
vote. C. T. TRICKEY
Chmn. Election Com.
Student Labor Time
for the Departmentof Mechanical
Engineering should be turned in
by the student to the instructor
for whom he has worked. This
should be done at once to avoid
delay in payment.
Architectural Club Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the
Architectural Club this evening
at 7:30 (Friday, October 20) in
Room 400 Main Building. Special
invitation to freshman architects
and architectural engineers.
Junior Election This Afternoon.
This afternoon the junior class
will elect a president, vice presi-
dent, secretary-treasurer, histo-
rian, and election committeemen.
Let us keep up to our usual
standard by casting a Poprasens
tative ballot.
Friday Drill Schedule.
Schedule for drill on Friday,
the 20th, will be the same as on
Wednesday, the 18th.
Forestry Exhibit at Dallas.
Prof. J. H. Foster, State For-
ester, will be glad to have ail
members of the’ student body
and College people who may visit
the Dallas Fair make it a point to
examine the Texas Forestry Ex-
hibit which is in the ''Made-in-
Texas’ Building not far from the
A. and M. College Exhibit.
Battalion Staff, Notice.
There will be a meeting of the
editorial staff of the Battalion im-
mediately after dinner today, in
Y. M. C. A. chapel. All company
reporters be present.
Electrical Engineers.
There will be a meeting of the
A. 1 E E in Room 301 Electrical
Engineering Building at 7:30 to-
night. All senior, junior, and
sophomore electrical engineers
are urged to attend. A special
invitation is extended to all two
year electricals and to all fresh-
men taking electrical engineer-
ing. Refreshments will be served. .