The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 18, 1916, Image 2
BUY YOUR COLLEGE PENNANTS ATHLETIC GOODS RAIN COATS BATH ROBES SLIPPERS SHOES CAPS ETC from A.M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store “Whack up” Your Tailoring. The Students’ Tailor Shop, west of Boyett’s Store, is asking you to ‘whack up’’ your cleaning and pressing bill, if it all goes to the other fellow. We call for and deliver promptly all clothes to be worked on. Our work speaks for itself. : Take a look at our samples for tailor-made clothing before plac- ing an order for a winter suit. We have some interesting prices for your consideration. adv. Tumlinson & Alderson. LOST-A Moore's fountain pen. Finder please return it to 23 Leggett. ; FOUND—A pair of trousers. Owner may get them at 101 Mil- ner. Cadets, Notice! Supply your rooms with Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Table Cov- ers, Bed Spreads, Pillows, Com- forts, Blank- ets, Htc, from Webb Brothers Men’s Furnishing Goods Bostonian Shoes for Men ? Johnson County Boys will meet Thursday night, imme- diately after supper, in room.70 Leggett. All'men from Johnson County please be present or of- fer valid excuse. Football Notice. Several suit cases belonging to football players were lost at the depot, Saturday night. Please send them over to Mr. Firth. at the Y M. C. A, before 1 p. m. today. O. F. ZEDLER, Manager MISPLACED.—The pair of trousers which we delivered to the wrong place some time ago. we are still unable to locate. Will some fellow who has an extra pair that he cant account for please notify us at the Students’ Tailor Shop.—-Tumlinson & Alderson.