The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 17, 1916, Image 4
WO 4 CLOTHES. Students doing shop work and those having the outside employment need overalls and jump- ers to save their good clothes. : We have in stock a variety of working gar- ments to select from. See them at BOYETT’S STORE North Main Street College Station Reserve Officers’ Agreement. | Following is the contract, or agreement, to be signed by ca- dets who enter the Reserve Of- ficers’ Training Corps. Full ex- planation will be published later. “In consideration of commu- tation of subsistence to be fur- nished me according to law, I hereby agree to continue in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps during the remainder of my course in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, to devote five hours per week during such period to the military pre- ‘scribed, and to pursue the course , of camp training during such period, prescribed by the Secre- tary of War. The army shoes are here— come over and get your pair. HALSEY. 23 Ausuin, Taking Pictures. You’ll be taking lots of pictures pretty soon. Let us develop them for you. See samples of our photographs. We're moving off of the campus and will be located next to Boyett’'s Store. Vis- it us. ‘SMITH STUDIO. Party who teok my baratone off the train Saturday night * please return it to Pfeuffer 16 or notify me so I can buy you a drink. It is a Holton horn. 'G. C. Cocrehan, Items for the Daily Bulletin may be brought to the College Print Shop, in the basement of the Main Building, or left in the wire basket on the desk of the Publicity Agent, 113 Main Build- ing. FRESHMEN, ATTENTION! We’ve always been here and the “old boys’ will tell you about us. Re- liable tailoring, cleaning and pressing Makers of ‘‘Charlie Made’’ uniforms. CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor.