The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 12, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents.
Vol. 11. College Station, Texas, Thursday, October 12, 1916. No. 18.
Distinguished Visitors Today.
The delegates attending the
Texas Presbyterian Synod, now
in session in Bryan, will visit
the College this afternoon (Thurs-
day) at 4:30. I earnestly request
that the ladies of the campus,!
college officials, and members of
the teaching staff meet at the
Y M.C. A promptly at 4:15 to
receive the visiting ladies and
gentlemen. Your assistance will
be greatly appreciated.
Juniors, Attention!
Nominations for president,
vice-president, secretary - treas-
urer and historian of the Junior
Class will be received at 86 Mil-
ner up to Monday, October 61th,
at taps. B. F. LOONEY,
Chairman Junior Election Com.
C. E. Society.
The C. BE. Society will hold its
first regular meeting of the year
tonight (Thursday) in room 28 C. -
BE Building at 7.80. Bil men
taking C E are requested to be
All those wanting to submit
junior pins, will have them ready
by noon Friday.
Fee for Changing Courses.
Attention is called to: the an-
nouncement in the catalogue,
page 211, which reads as fol-
“For changing from one course
to another at any time after the
beginning of the term there will -
be a fee of three dollars. For
taking up a new subject later
than two weeks after the begin-
ning of a term there will be a fee-
of one dollar.”
Dallas Bows, Notice.
There will be a’ meeting of all
boys from Dallas and Dallas
County, tonight, immediately af
ter supper, in room 37 Milner.
If you are from Dallas, be sure
to come out.
Guard Detail.
October 13. 1916.
Officer of the(Day;
Cadet Lieut. Cockrell, J. B.
Officer of the Guard:
Cadet Priv. Elam, wv No
real mri ree
There will be a meetihn of the’
Scientific Agricultural Associa-
tion tonight at 7:80, in the College
Chapel. All ‘‘Bughunters be
present. Officers will be elected.