The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 11, 1916, Image 4
cp to. WORKING CLOTHES. Students doing shop work and those having the outside employment need overalls and jump- ers to save their good clothes. We have in stock a variety of working gar- ments to select from. See them at BOYETT’S STORE North Main Street College Station an First Election, October 16. (Continued from first page) For Advisory Board to Battalion, from the junior class: Temple, T. W. Becker, P. G. Westerhoff, W. F. For Students Council, from soph- omore class: Hardwicke, J. B. Powell, S. N. Tooley, R P. Weyland, A. H. Mark, C. H. Keasler, M. L. Armstrong, W. H. Adkisson, A. W. For. the advisory board to the + Battalion, from the sopho- more class: Taylor, BN Hopkins, E. D. The freshman members of the Students’ Council and Battalion "Advisory Board will be elected at the regular freshman election. FRESHMEN, ATTENTION! . We've always been here and the ‘‘old boys” will » tell you about us. Re- liable tailoring, cleaning and pressing. : Makers of ‘Charlie Made” uniforms. CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor. Taking Pictures. . You’ll be taking lots of pictures pretty soon. Let us develop them for you. See samples of our photographs. We're moving off of the campus and will be located next to Boyett's Store. Vis- it us. SMITH STU DIO. The Students’ Tailor Shop is open each day from 8 o’clock to 6:30. Located about one half block west of Boyvett’s Store. Buy a special club ticket and save 20 per cent. Limited num- ber at present reduced prices. We do cleaning, pressing and alterations. Giveusatrial. You will get satisfaction at fair prices. Tumlinson and Alderson.