The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 11, 1916, Image 2
BUY YOUR COLLEGE PENNANTS ATHLETIC GOODS RAIN COATS BATH ROBES SLIPPERS SHOES CAPS ETC from A.M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store General Faculty Meeting. The regular meeting of the General Faculty will be held to- day (Wednesday) at 5 p. m. W. B. BIZZELL, President. There will be a meeting of the ‘Scientific Agricultural Associa- tion in the College Chapel Thurs- day night at 7:30. All “Bughunt- ers’ be present. Officers will be elected. JACK SHELTON. All boys from Dallas County are requested to meet in Room 14 Loss, immediately after dinner today. ; If the person who took my shop hammer from room 34, Fos- ter Hall, will return it, I will ap. _preciate it. JIM LUTHER. Cadets, Notice! Supply your rooms with Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Table Cov- ' ers, Bed Spreads, Pillows, Com- forts, Blank: ets, Htc., * from Webb Brothers Men's Furnishing Goods Bostonian Shoes for Men WANT, LOST, FOR SALE, ETC. LOST—Fountain pen with ‘‘W. B.”’ cut on one end. Please re- turn to R. W. Brown, 41 Mitch- ell and receive reward FOR SALE-—-1 Senior blouse, ‘pair gray trousers, regulation hat, and senior cap. Allin good condition.— A. D. Johnson, Room 1, Pfeuffer. FOUN D—Key to company mail box. Ross 10. AGENCY for all technical mag- azines and handbooks for engi- neersi J gW. Fuchs. Ross 19. FOUND-—-In Chemical labora- tory, a few days ago. a fountain pen. Owner can obtain it from . me by calling at the office of the department. H. B. Gordon.