> - ' \ FRESHMEN, ATTENTION! We’ve always been here and the ‘old boys” will tell you about us. Re liable tailoring, cleaning and pressing. Makers of “Charlie Made” uniforms. CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor. WANT, LOST, FOR SALE, ETC. FOUND—At 21 Mitchell a com plete line of window curtains and shades. Call around select your pattern. S. D. Hervey. KODAK FILMS —All sizes — Eastman brand, best quality —H. J. Schafer, third floor Mitchell, room 58. WANTED—A Baldwin’s Com position, Lock wood’s “TheFresh- manand His College,” and Liv ingston’s “Field Crop Produc tion.”—A. C. Smith, 72 Milner. Rooms in Bryan for Rent. Two nicely furnished rooms with large sliding doors between will be rented to unmarried men who can furnish good references. Close to car line. Telephone Brvan No. 214. The New Tailor Shop. Open at Tauber’s Place, Behind Mess Hall Will be glad to make your uni form or citizen’s suit. First class workmanship guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing, and repairing a specialty. Reasonable prices. It will pay you to try us. The New Tailor Shop LOST: A Chemistry text book with the name W. W. Boyd in it. Please return to E. J. Biscamp, 36 Milner. WANTED:— Some department to take one-half time of compe tent lady stenographer. DR. BALL DON’T FAIL to get your table covers, curtains, pennants, and brooms, from Hervey at Mitch ell 26. Taking Pictures. You’ll be taking lots of pictures pretty soon. Let us develop them for you. See samples of our photographs. We’re moving off of the campus and will be located next to Boyett’s Store. Vis it us. SMITH STUDIO.