FRESHMEN, ATTENTION! We’ve always been here and the “old boys” will tell you about us. Re liable tailoring, cleaning and pressing. Makers of “Charlie Made” uniforms. CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor. WANT, LOST, FOR SALE, ETC. Someone borrowed an Ash- mun’s English from me and has failed to return it. Kindly do so. —R. P. Waring, top stoop Good win. If the person who borrowed my olive drab trousers will re turn them to 22 Mitchell, I shall appreciate it. R. B. Whitton. POUND:—Someone left a set of drawing instruments in the drawing department. Owner can get them by calling at the of fice and describing the property. ^ • A. Mitchell. Wanted. Some department to take “half the time” of a man stenographer. Phone W. L. Driver. Taking Pictures. You’ll be taking lots of pictures pretty soon. Let us develop them for you. See samples of our photographs. We’re moving off of the campus and will be located next to Boyett’s Store. Vis it us. SMITH STUDIO. Reference to “Y” Members. Members of the Y. M. C. A. will have preference at pool and billiards and natatorium over non-members who pay for privi leges of these sports. Y. M. C. A. Committee. It was planned to have the Battalion distributed last night, but owing to the depression in the news market, it will not be distributed until tonight. The New Tailor Shop. Open at Taubers’ Place, Behind Mess Hall Will be glad to make your uni form or citizen’s suit. First class workmanship guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing, and repairing a specialty. Reasonable prices. It will pay you to try us. The New Tailor Shop