The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, October 03, 1916, Image 4
FRESHMEN, ; "ATTEN TION! We’ ve always been here ‘and the ‘‘old boys” will tell you about wus. Re- liable tailoring, cleaning ~~ and pressing. Makers of “Charlie Made’’ uniforms. CHARLIE NITCH Campus Tailor. . A Cadet Ran Over to 51 Leggett and found every . thing he needed in the way of watches, fobs, fountain pens and A. & M. seal pins and rings, club pins, class pins, A. M. C, belts; in fact, everything in the jewel- ry line. I handle Cladwell’s line at Bryan prices. “TUBBY” STARNES. 51 Leggett. FOR SALE—Two reg. blouses. (both 36).and. two pair of reg. trousers, about 31-31. Blouses, $3.00; trousers, $2.00. Apply to 47 Milner. \ Cadet Pedigo lef t a reg. blouse with someone, last spring, to be handed to me. I have not yet received it. H. M. CATHER, 21 Mitchell. Taking Pictures, ° You'll be taking lots of ' pictures pretty soon. + Let us develop them for you. See samples of our photographs. We're moving off of the campus and will be located next. to Boyett's Store, Vis- it us. SMITH STUDIO. FTN Help Us Janitors. You can help us fellows who are working as - janiters in the dormitories by not throwing pa- per from your window to the ground. Every time you throw paper around youn double our work. : Please help us keep the cam- pus clean. - Everybody should. take pride in keeping the premises as clean as possible, more. especially around the dormitories. The JANITORS, FOR SALE - ~— ‘One Kitterage and Farley English. Apply at 75 Milner. A man from each company is wanted as distributor for the Battalion in that company. Call at Leggett 46.