f regiment; non-commisfuoned offi cers shall wear in place of letters monograni A. M. C. Members of the Band in place of letters shall wear regulation band insig nia. Non-commissioned officers shall'wear the Regulation West Point Insignia of Rank. Hat cord shall be worn as follows: Seniors, officer’s hat-oord; Jun iors, red hat cord; Sophomores, yellow hat cord; Freshmen and all first-year students, blue hat, cord; l«tters of company shall be worn on left side of collar, number of regifnent bn right side. (Continued in next issue) Bureau of Information. The Y. M. C. A. will have a bureau of information in the lob by of the Main Building on the opening days of school, where The Home of Correct Clothes for Men . . You are always welcome Brandon £# Lawrence See the OLD RELIABLE For Gents Furnishings, Candies, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Candies, Cig ars, Pipes, and Tobaccos. Boyett’s Store North Main Street the officers of the Association will take pleasure in giving you any information^ and assistance possible. Do not hesitate to ask them questions. An annual membership fee of five dollars entitles you to the free use of the swimming pool in the new Y. M.C. A. Building; in addition to the other member ship privileges. This costs you less! than two cents per day for swimming and shower baths in artesian water. You can make no better investment for your mind, body, and health. We want to have your. name on the membership roll as soon as reach the College. You will/nave an opportunity to purchase a membership ticket at the infor mation bureau. D. H. FIBER, President Y. M. C. A.